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Superannuation Planning

Your superannuation is designed to bolster your finances once you have finished work. At Park Lane, we keep our finger on the pulse when it comes to superannuation products and rules. We’ll know if you are paying too many fees. We’ll know your best strategy for contribution. We’ll know if your investments are working for you, or against you. Let’s work together to get the most out of your superannuation.

What we can do for you

  • Product/Fee Comparisons
  • Investment Analysis
  • Contribution Strategies
  • Capitalising on Government Initiatives

    How this Helps you

    The earlier we look at your superannuation, the better. Small differences to your superannuation now, can make a significant difference to your super balance down the line.

    Don’t live wondering what could have been and get on the right track now.

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    If you’re looking for financial planning & a financial manager in Melbourne, contact us to book your no-obligation consultation.